Implementation year: 2019-2020

Catch-up the stars project

Target :

Addressing the loss of students’ literacy skills to join their advanced colleagues.


Targetedstudents:All student who have a loss in any reading or writing skills, both in Arabic and English from the fourth to eighth grade.

Place of implementation:

It will be a corner outside the classroom equipped with a table, two seats, iPad, headphones, written articles, dictation books and pens.

Directors of the program:Arabic language and two English language teachers,

Academic Supervisor of Arabic Language

Academic Supervisor of English Language,

Principal of the school.

Implementation Method:

The teacher accompanied targeted students in reading or writing classes both in Arabic or English to the specified place of the program, a leveled selection of Reading with an iPad that has an audible for the same selection will be given to the each students to listen, follow and repeat, till the student can read individually without any help.

Dictation classes:All students having weakness in any of the Dictation skills is individually taught and trained several times until mastery.

When does the students is expected to finish this “Catch Up the Stars!” program?

The teacher will contact the Program Committee when the student acquires all the required skills, using Forum A, then The Program Committee held a conference and retest the students to either let her/him pass or continue the program.


Your cooperation is highly appreciated always!